Our 6-cue wireless firing system is a great firing system
that works with consumer ignitors. Remote distance is about100 meters. Can fire 3 consumer ignitors on each cue. Each field module contain six cues. Using a remote firing system like the DB06R-6 is much safer than lighting by hand.
DB06R-6 Firing System 6 Cue
Disclaimer of Use
Any use of ManM Fireworks mortars or mortar racks is at your own risk.
ManM Fireworks and their employees are NOT responsible for any
damages or injuries caused by use of its products. ManM Fireworks
products are intended to be used with consumer grade shells ONLY. Please use caution when using these products. Our products are intended to be used by persons over the age of 18 years of age. All mortars should be used onlywith an appropriate mortar rack.